
How Music Saved The Oldest Anglican Church In Chile

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Discover poetry at the ICBC


Pseudonym of Eleanore Marie Sarton, poet, novelist and memoirist.
May 3, 1912

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Pseudonym of Eleanore Marie Sarton, poet, novelist and memoirist.
May 3, 1912 (Wondelgem, Belgium) – July 16, 1995 (York, Maine)
Glass of water: A Poem that encapsulates the simple pleasures once denied to those of us who had to endure a vicious treatment regime for throat cancer.



Contemporary English poet.
July 21, 1945 (Kent, England) –
The uncertainty of the poet: She wrote the poem below in response to viewing a painting of the same name by surrealist artist Giorgio de Chirico.



English poet, playwright, and actor.
April 26, 1564 (Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England)  April 26, 1616 (Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England)
A fairy Song: The poem “a fairy song, refers to a fairy that serves his fairy queen. He spreads the dew on the flower everywhere he crosses. He wanders many places to do this work like hills, pales and so on.
Sonnet 18: His sonnet 18 focuses on the loveliness of a friend or lover



Terence Alan Milligan
He was a British-Irish comedian, writer, poet, playwright and actor.
April 16, 1918 (Ahmednagar, British India) – February 27, 2002 (Rye, East Sussex, England)
There Are Holes In The Sky
The ABC: It conjures up that magical scene of the schoolroom or playroom after dark, when everything comes to life.



Siegfried Loraine Sassoon
He was an English poet, writer and soldier
September 8, 1886 (Matfield, Kent, England) – September 1, 1967 (Heytesbury Wiltshire, England)
Everyone Sang: The poem, then, is not about joy that the war is over but rather a temporary and spontaneous desire to sing as a way of keeping one’s spirits up during a time of death, warfare, and uncertainty.



Marguerite Annie Johnson
American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist
April 4, 1928 (St. Louis, Missouri, US)  May 28, 2014 (Winston-Salem, North Carolina, US)
Phenomenal Woman: It is a lyrical poem that sends out an important message to the world of convention and stereotype: empowerment comes from being confident in your own female skin, no matter if you are not seen as cute or fashionable by the masses.



He was a British novelist, short story writer, poet, screenwriter, and fighter pilot.
September 13, 1916 (Llandaff, Cardiff, Wales) – November 23, 1990 (Oxford, England)
The Three Little Pigs: ‘The Three Little Pigs’ by Roald Dahl retells the story of Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs with a surprisingly dark conclusion.



He was an English artist, illustrator, musician, author and poet
May 12, 1812 (Holloway, Middlesex, England)  January 29, 1888 (San Remo, Liguria, Italia)
The Owl and the Pussy Cat: The poem, in summary, tells of the love between the owl and the pussycat and their subsequent marriage.



She was an English poet of the Victorian era
March 6, 1806 (Kelloe, Durham, England)  June 29, 1861 (Florence, Italy)
Sonnet from the Portuguese: It is a collection of love sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. First published in 1850, these passionate poems focus on Browning’s affection for her husband, famed poet Robert Browning.



English-American poet.
February 21, 1907 (York, England) – September 29, 1973 (Viena, Austria)
Song: W.H. Auden’s poem “Song” is set in a city, and is seen from the point of view of a first person narrator describing his observations while going for a walk in the evening.



Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto.
He was a Nobel Prize winning Chilean poet diplomat and politician.
July 12, 1904 (Parral, Chile) – September 23, 1973 (Santiago, Chile)
Poetry: He isn’t very sure whether the poetic inspiration came to him through the elements of nature or such vital images in his mind



She was an English poet who wrote a variety of romantic, devotional and children poems.
December 5, 1830 (London, England) – December 29, 1894 (London, England)
A birthday: Rossetti frequently refers to the Second Coming of Christ as the ultimate "birthday" in her work. Regardless of whom the "love" represents, the narrator feels extreme joy at his or her arrival



She was a French-Cuban American diarist, essayist, novelist, and writer of short stories and erotica.
February 21, 1903 (Neuilly-sur-Seine, France)  January 14, 1977 (Los Angeles, US)
Risk: If we do not chase our dreams that is a bigger risk then never trying. If we never try to blossom we will risk not knowing how good our life can be.



Edwin George Morgan
He was a Scottish poet and translator who was associated with the Scottish Renaissance.
April 27, 1920 (Glasgow, UK) – August 17, 2010 (Glasgow, UK)
The Loch Ness Monster’s Song: 'The Loch Ness Monster's Song' is an example of a performance piece.



Robert Lee Frost
He was an American poet.
March 26, 1874 (San Francisco, California, US)  January 29, 1963 (Boston, Massachusetts, UK)
The Road not taken: The Road Not Taken" is an ambiguous poem that allows the reader to think about choices in life, whether to go with the mainstream or go it alone. If life is a journey, this poem highlights those times in life when a decision has to be made. Which way will you go?



He was an English author, best known for his books about the Teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh, and for various poems. Milne was a noted writer, primarily as a playwright, before the huge success of Pooh overshadowed all his previous work. Milne served in both World Wars, joining the British Army in World War I, and was a captain of the British Home Guard in World War II.
January 18, 1882 (Kilburn, London, England)  January 31, 1956 (Hartfield, Sussex, England)
Wind On The Hill: ‘Wind On The Hill’ by A. A. Milne contains the thoughts of a child-like narrator who is chasing after his wildly blowing kite.


James Mercer Langston Hughes
He was an American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist.
February 1, 1902 (Joplin, Missouri, US) – May 22, 1967 (New York, US)
Dreams: The poem uses two metaphors to explain how important it is to hold fast to one's dreams. In the absence of dreams, life becomes something unpleasant.



British poet, novelist and translator
December 20, 1950 (Birmingham, England) –
Sometimes: This is ultimately a poem about hope, and about feeling hopeful.



Clement Clarke Moore
She was a writer and American Professor of Oriental and Greek Literature, as well as Divinity and Biblical Learning, at the General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in New York.
July 15, 1779 (New York, US) – July 10, 1863 (Newport, Rhode Island, US)
A Visit from St. Nicholas more commonly known as "The Night Before Christmas" and "Twas the Night Before Christmas" from its first line, is a poem first published anonymously in 1823 and later attributed to Clement Clarke Moore, who claimed authorship in 1837. The poem has been called "arguably the best-known verses ever written by an American" and is largely responsible for some of the conceptions of Santa Claus from the mid-nineteenth century to today. It has had a massive impact on the history of Christmas gift-giving.



British poet
1966 (Reading, UK)
Wedding: this poem talks about how love is constant and a reality. Although it comes in many forms and many different ways love cannot be changed and has existed since time immemorial. No matter where you are in the world, love is still the same thing, it is universal and is experienced by everyone in their lifetime.



Edgar Albert Guest
American poet.
August 20, 1881 (Birmingham, England) – August 5, 1959 (Detroit – Michigan)
Equipment: In this poem, Edgar A. Guest speaks to young people. He challenges them to look within and believe in themselves. He explains that God has given them all that they need to succeed.



She is an American professional writer and poet. Sometimes she writes together with her husband, Karl. Joanna has been writing greeting-card-type poems since she was eight years old. Karl is a mechanical engineer.
January 2, 1932 (England) 
Life madness: Joanna Fuchs writes poems for a variety of topics. She hopes that poems serve to enhance relationships.



Lucila Godoy Alcayaga
She was a Chilean poet-diplomat, educator and humanist.
April 7, 1889 (Vicuña, Chile) – January 10, 1957 (Hemsptead, New York, US)
The rat: Apparently it's a social critique. It has some revolutionary spirit, a metaphor for how small changes (the rat that scares the deer) can transform the world.
Give me your hand and we will dance: The main theme of this poem is love. Through elements of nature, the author tries to summon us to dance a "dance" that unites us in a fraternal way. Love is even understood as a sign of world peace and, ultimately, as the only thing that can save us.



He was a Scottish novelist and travel writer
November 13, 1850 (Edinburgh, Scotland) – December 3, 1894 (Vailima, Samoa)
Bed in summer: Robert Louis Stevenson's classic poem about summer bedtime hours relates how children must go to bed while the sun is still up.

Quienes Somos

  • El Instituto Chileno Británico de Cultura de Valparaíso nació en 1941 con el objetivo de reunir a la comunidad en torno a las tradiciones británicas y que estas fueran útiles en la región. Hoy, y con más de 80 años de experiencia, el ICBC se dedica a la enseñanza del inglés impartiendo cursos para adultos, jóvenes y niños, además de realizar traducciones y talleres de metodología para profesores.

    Desde 1943, ha sido el administrador de los exámenes internacionales de Cambridge English en nuestra Región y en universidades y los colegios más prestigiosos de La Serena, Chillán, Curicó y Talca. También, imparte los tests OET, específicos del área de la salud. Todas estas pruebas son altamente cotizadas por instituciones extranjeras para trabajar o continuar estudios.

    Al mismo tiempo, el ICBC ha entendido que hay entidades y empresas que requieren instruir a sus equipos y personal con habilidades y estándares extranjeros; por lo que ofrece todo tipo de capacitaciones, por medio de su OTEC Capacitación Chileno Británico, principalmente referidas al ámbito marítimo e inglés y su ATE asesora educacionalmente a las instituciones escolares.

    Como parte de su quehacer, el ICBC participa e invita a diferentes actividades culturales gratuitas y abiertas a todas las personas interesadas.

  • Todos los cursos que se imparten en el ICBC han sido diseñados de acuerdo con la progresión del Marco Común Europeo para los idiomas (MCER), orientando el aprendizaje continuo y con posibilidades de certificación internacional que se pueden obtener en el mismo Instituto. Además, todos los profesores cuentan con capacitaciones especiales y utilizan material de clases británico.

    La prueba de diagnóstico es gratuita y se ofrecen distintas facilidades de pago y convenios.

  • Para quienes buscan proyectar su carrera, especializar sus estudios u obtener una certificación de su nivel de inglés, los exámenes que imparte el ICBC son aceptados por más de 20.000 universidades, empresas y gobiernos de todo el mundo, transformándose en el puntapié inicial para quien está pensando en legitimar su nivel de inglés.

    En un mundo hiperconectado, las posibilidades de estudiar y vivir en el extranjero están cada día más cerca. Así también, organizaciones nacionales y multinacionales están buscando a profesionales que sean capaces de enfrentarse a distintos escenarios y a trabajar con equipos multidisciplinarios. Por más de 20 años el ICBC ha sido administrador regional de los exámenes internacionales Cambridge English Language Assessment, que por su reconocimiento internacional son los más solicitados por la entidades globales. Ingresa a nuestro sitio para conocer la fecha de rendición de cada test o acércate a nuestra oficina de Viña del Mar para recibir un asesoría directa. Además de la región de Valparaíso, los exámenes también se aplican en Antofagasta, Coquimbo y el Maule.


  • Pre-intermediate Plus AM presencial

    En general el curso es muy bueno. El Instituto funciona bien, el trabajo de las secretarias es amable y claro, la infraestructura es la necesaria para el correcto desempeño de todos, y el profesor tiene un desempeño sobresaliente porque es puntual, ordenado, claro, se esfuerza para que todos sus estudiantes aprendan, domina su trabajo y cumple con sus labores con rigurosidad.


  • Beginner Plus AM Presencial

    Las clases son dinámicas, nunca caen en la monotonía o se vuelven engorrosas. La profesora es simpática y trasmite la confianza suficiente como para poder decir que dudas tengo, el ambiente en clases es ameno lo que evita que las ganas de aprender mengüen.
    Los materiales que el Instituto ofrece son útiles e interesantes.


  • Elementary PM Online

    Me gusta mucho la estrategia educativa del Instituto y la calidad y entrega de Gonzalo Figueroa, es muy afable y cercano.


  • Elementary Plus AM Presencial

    Las clases son interactivas, el profesor explica y siempre resuelve todas las dudas que se presentan en las clases. En cuanto al instituto es excelente la atención desde que uno entra hasta que sale.>br/> Me gusta mucho el desempeño del profesor, además que el curso que me ha tocado ha sido bastante amable y bueno.


  • Pre-intermediate PM Presencial

    Considero que el hecho de la preocupación constante de aplicar el idioma, tanto en temas académicos o con contar el día es increíble porque se ve mucho avance y los recursos se adaptan a los alumnos.


  • Intermediate AM Online

    Muy dinámica la profesora y aprovecha al máximo cada minuto de clases. Muy buen aporte las correcciones de pronunciación que hace marcando las palabras a corregir cuando un alumno está leyendo.


  • Intermediate Plus AM Presencial

    Mi experiencia ha sido muy agradable y llena de aprendizaje, sobre todo nuestra profesora nos ha brindado la mejor forma de aprender en un ambiente seguro.
     Porque las clases son didácticas y entretenidas pero muy útiles, y la profesora es muy amable y hace que las clases sean amenas y un espacio perfecto para aprender. Camila Oyarce ha sido una de las mejores profesoras que he tenido. Este curso ha cambiado significativamente mi modo de vida.


  • Elementary AM presencial

    Me gusta lo dinámico de la clase. El como el profesor tiene diversos juegos que ayudan al aprendizaje y como trabajamos con ahínco en áreas que nos cuesta más para mejorar, son lo que ayuda a que no sienta tan monótono el día y ayuda a asimilar con mayor facilidad las unidades.

